August 2016

Overcomers of What? Part 1


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I John 5:4-5

In 1989 I attended the Scriptures for America Family Bible Camp in Colorado hosted by the late Pastor Pete Peters, along with approximately 400 other Identity Christians. This is back when our movement was burgeoning with new converts and unfortunately fringe elements. It was the first time I was introduced to the salient implications of the Christian overcomer. Peters started his message by asking the audience “Do you want to be an overcomer?” Prior to giving his evening sermon, I remember that day, questionnaires were handed out asking, “What do you have to have more than anything else to be an overcomer?” And he played a tape recording of people trying to answer that question also. A lot of people said faith or trust or Christ, but that evening Peters said “Nobody got the right answer.” That may have been because the question was asked tongue in cheek because his answer was so rhetorical in his sphere of sophistry. Then, as if he received lightning bolts from Heaven, he yelled out his answer... “You've got to have something to overcome!!!” Well, duh... yeah. I remember at the time, that after Peters embarrassed so many people, who did get it right with I John 5:4, that he needed to overcome his self-serving attitude. But, I'm grateful that he broached the subject, which decades later has become a spiritual imperative for the serious Christian. Obviously, it has not been taken seriously by churchianity, otherwise we wouldn't have the excessive amount of egregious problems to overcome compared to 1989. A deeper understanding of the overcomer is certainly racial in nature and the first thing you need to be, to be an overcomer, is that you need to be White. As I recall, I put down 'Israelite' on the questionnaire... crickets. That's what you need, your identity.

In my initial research, I googled 'overcomer' and the first website I went to had a book that was published in Nigeria. Evidently, a black Nigerian found something to overcome; maybe it was the White man and he dreamt of a Nigerian Jesus. Can a Nigerian change his skin or a leopard its spots (Jer. 13:23)? I modified it from Ethiopian, but it's the same principle. But, for our purposes, it's intriguing that the rest of the verse is wildly translated as to whether the negro can do good with such a track record of being evil. I'll give you two poignant examples of what I'm talking about; the first is from the KJV, which reads ...

Overcomers of What?

by Pastor Mark Downey

An examination of the end-time overcomers from a Christian Identity perspective.

Part 1:  The role of the overcomer between the fall of Babylon and the Kingdom of God.  The foremost qualification for being an overcomer from a Christian Identity perspective.

Part 2:  Overcoming is the spiritual business of networking the Truth, which is fraught with dangers as well as rewards.  The overcomer has victory in defeating the world.

Make America Born Again


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 51:1-4 

The ulterior motive for today's title is nothing more than a hook; more precisely, a fishing net. “And He [Jesus] said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” Mt. 4:19. Biblical fishing “gathers the good into vessels, but cast the bad away” Mt. 13:48. The theme of the recent 4 day GOP convention (2016) had four permutations of Trump's “Make America Great Again” slogan, which were: make America safe again, make America work again, make America first again and make America one again. I thought I heard that the last night would be 'Make America Born Again,' but I was mistaken. Nevertheless, I thought: Wow what a wonderful Christian punctuation to an otherwise secular “interfaith” kumbaya fest, even though “born again” is one of the worst translations in the Bible causing untold damage to the real “lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And I'll get into that later as well as who or what makes America anything, what is the right work for America and what do we mean by “one.” But, the whole idea of making America one thing or another has been the ideology of many facets of the American political/religious landscape; when it should only be the Christian Identity of our founding fathers; who understood the racial theocracy at its inception or rather conception, because America was the rebirth of true Israel, not the antichrist jews in 1948. We must ponder whether God will make America America again or whether the antichrists will make America Babylon again. Well, America is up to its eyeballs in Babylon if you look in any direction. We are lost again. But, there is solace in knowing that Babylon is destined for a fall.