September 2016

Make America Hate Again


Sermon  notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Proverbs 8:13 - “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the fraudulent mouth, do I hate.”

You might agree with today's message and that would be alright. It's about time. Coming to the truth is sometimes on borrowed time after a lifetime of lies and that's called grace. It's coming to an understanding of unmerited favor. But, better late than never. God created time and there is “A time to love, and a time to hate” Eccl. 3:8. You either believe that as a Christian or you might as well be an atheist. Love without hate or vice versa is a nullification of the Gospels of Jesus Christ. America used to hate what most people today love. This is somewhat of an election sermon leading up to my open letter to Donald Trump (if he doesn't get killed). I must give credit where credit is due for today’s sermon title. Thank you Hillary Clinton for your hatred of us Americans who you consider “deplorable.” It's not just Trump supporters, but anyone who does not genuflect to the libertard agenda of anti-White and pro-global elitists is a stunning witness to mind control run amuck. For so much noose-worthy current events of a Jezebel anti-type (a New Testament parallel to the Old) having so much enigmatic health concerns, her mouth seems to be functioning like a high performance Denny Crane (that's a jewish lawyer with a messianic complex). Not only are those not voting for Hillary a basket of deplorables, which had to be a premeditated jingoism, but the same comedy writers side-swiped us with the jingo 'make America hate again.'

Overcomers of What? Part 2


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:25-29

The end of the Church Age commences with the collapse of Mystery Babylon. It is this interim of time from the fall of our great enemies to the Second Coming of Christ that we “occupy till He comes” Luke 19:13. It's true that for the last 2000 years, the generation that followed the Apostles have had the wrong kind of occupation. The overcomers will rediscover the original intent of the 1st century command, which was not the establishment of a state church or a church state, like Mormonism in Utah or the Vatican, but rather an expansion of spiritual values in Israelite (White) societies. Nor did the parable imply that the “nobleman” (Christ) expected financial gain through usury from the nominal “ten pounds” that He gave His servants. In verse 14 it mentions citizens who hated Him and said, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” This, of course, are the jews who historically have made their wealth and power from the avarice of being the world's foremost temple moneychangers and control freaks of a born again Babylon. Why would Jesus tell His servants to do the same thing His enemies were doing? Well, He wouldn't. The overcomer will know that the word “occupy” did not mean the occupation of nations defeated by unjust and ungodly wars, such as the occupation of Germany by America since the aftermath of WWII. WWII was simply one of many jewish wars in which “The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force” Mt.11:12. The command Jesus gave His servants was spiritual and it's still in effect today. His servants could only be those who He identified as such: “But you, Israel, are My servant” Isaiah 41:8. The ten servants were the ten tribes of the northern house who became lost sheep. That's who Jesus said He came for (Mt. 15:24).