December 2016

The Christmas Meme Must Perish


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 26:23-27

There is nothing worse than people who can't tell the difference between blessings and curses, except for perhaps the shepherd who can't tell the difference. Such a mentality completely nullifies the meaning of Deuteronomy 28. In past sermons I have rebuked Christmas biblically; I have reproved Christmas spiritually; I have chastised Christmas lawfully. I can say unequivocally that I hate Christmas with a perfect hatred; I count it an enemy of Christ and the White race. There are some oxymorons in our movement that would have you believe that if you hate Christmas, you're no different than the talmudic antichrists. This is based on the false premise that Christmas is exclusively Christian. On the contrary, it is inclusive of any savage beast that sports a Santa hat or greets you with the proverbial “Meddy Christmas.“ In Christian Identity we prove that only White people, the true descendants of Jacob-Israel, can be Christians. All other missionary fiascos to non-Israelites are an exercise in futility. Christmas is an open invitation for racial and religious tolerance. Those who promote and perpetuate the unchristian Christmas are missionaries of racial reconciliation. Jews consider Christmas a curse, not because they know there is no blessing in it for the White race, but because judaism is a schizophrenic religion. The jew hates Jesus every day of the year, but if they can sell their cheap trinkets during the holidays, they love to cash in on the goyim. Likewise, Muslim radicals love Christmas as a time of the year to get the most propaganda bang out of their bombs. The talking heads at FOX news have been squealing for the last week that “judeo-Christianity is under attack.” And rightly so: God uses His rod of chastisement against His people when the idols of their heart supplant the Divine Law written in our heart. The only blessing for the true Christian is to boycott the Christmas abomination altogether, as you would any other fraud under the color of Christ.

The Friction Christian


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you"

An unknown cowboy, who, judging by his saddle, side arm and rifle was riding the trails circa 1870 or 1880. On the back of this early photograph is simply inscribed “Indian fighter.”They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So I'm going to talk about this unknown cowboy, who, judging by his saddle, side arm and rifle was riding the trails circa 1870 or 1880. On the back of this early photograph is simply inscribed “Indian fighter.” The more I look at this young man, the more I can see the disappearing manhood from our heritage of the Aryan warrior, the rugged individual or even the Phinehas priest. His boyish look of a young King David should not be confused with youthful indiscretions. To the contrary, I see a determined lad living a fearless life of Joshua, with faith in his bloodline, boldly running through his veins. He was fighting the Canaanites of his day, in a wilderness-turning Promised Land. We don't know if he was a Christian, but there's no denying that the New Covenant/Law was written in his heart and mind as it is with every White person. You can tell by looking at him that he feared no evil, even though he may have walked through the valley of Comanches. My grandpa was a cowboy in Montana and my uncles looked up to him and always admired his true grit, living in a sod house and punching cattle in the waning years of open range in a wild west America. My grandpa's father was a captain in the Confederacy and after the war became a Texas Ranger, whose motto was 'The only good Indian is a dead Indian.” Orwellian historians now deny this expression, being entirely politically incorrect, flushed down the memory hole. In fact, the rewriting of history by Chicano lawyers and academics describe the Rangers in the 1979 book 'Gunpowder Justice' with the utmost calumny and contempt, stating their purpose: “to expose the popular image... to scholarly scrutiny and to analyse the reasons why the Texas Rangers have secured a tenaciously favorable reputation in the minds of the American public.” Let me tell you, the American cowboy is admired throughout the world and made its mark in history and we are exposing the modern Canaanite that would take away our heritage.