May 2017

The Azure Standard Rebellion


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Hosea 4:6

How the New Normal is Insanity

The first Christians after Christ died were not jews, who killed Christ and put His blood upon all future generations of Edomite antichrists. The first Christians, so named in Antioch, were the “My people” of Hosea 4:6, and were warned in that verse that they would be destroyed if they fell under the sway of disinformation. They would disqualify themselves from the Melchizedic priesthood. The history of the last 2000 years is a record of the White race ignoring the admonitions of God and His Creation. It is perhaps at its lowest level of knowing what God decrees about race right now. Their mental lapse into situational ethics (which is judaism or secular humanism) would jeopardize the future of God's people. This simple formula for knowing God's will was based on racial exclusion, otherwise known as racism. Today we witness Judah-Germany and all of Europe inviting the rape and pillage of their homelands from racial aliens who devour the land, just as the Bible predicted. It's ridiculous to assume that when God speaks of “My people,” He is specifically referring to every biped on earth, rather than one “peculiar people,” as well as a chosen generation (genetics), a royal priesthood and a holy nation i.e. racially pure (I Peter 2:9). Racial inclusion was never a part of God's plan for the ages. It is fake knowledge that brings God's people into divine rejection. The knowledge of God is our hope for eternal life. When we lose sight of that great promise, God repudiates the prevailing priesthood, which takes our people in a different direction, such as the worship of golden calves to the lust of golden arches. Our God, the God of Israel, hates the vacillation of the priestcraft respecting Baal and conniving social lawlessness. "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” John 17:3.

Report on the Imprecatory Campaign


by Pastor Mark Downey

May 7, 2017

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 28:16-25

Enough is enough. Here is a commentary by Matthew Henry on today's Scripture reading: “Afflictions are God's threshing instruments, to loosen us from the world, to part between us and our chaff, and to prepare us for use. God will proportion them to our strength; they shall be no heavier than there is need. When His end is answered, the trials and sufferings of His people shall cease; His wheat shall be gathered into the garner, but the chaff shall be burned with unquenchable fire.” If we took a poll (one that's not fake!) of how many people are fed up with the establishment, and it was 100% of all respondants, it wouldn't be enough to change anything. If we prayed for the president, it wouldn't be enough to dissuade America's plunge into Babylon, because the God of Israel is offended by prayers for the devil. God wants us to pray against the enemies of our race and for deliverance. That's what Saviors do. “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27) and when we receive His Word and act accordingly, He will hear our prayers. We humbly pray for the only White Power on earth to remove the curse of Mystery Babylon, the mystery of which comprises the jewish, catholic and judeo-Christian consortium, so that all may see their naked wickedness. Moreover, from March 23 to May 1 (2017), we conducted a 40 day worldwide imprecatory campaign against the fake news of Mainstream Media, to whom its prostitutes of yellow-brown journalism are complicit in the cover-up and stonewalling of Pizzagate and all other permutations of pedophilia reaching into the upper echelons of church and state. There is no separating the evil between churchianity and government. Both are culpable for the sins of child abductions, trafficking, rape, murder and satanic rituals. Our whole campaign was about rescuing White children from the world of talmudic abominations and horrific torture of the innocent.

Imprecatory Prayer campaign 2017

by Pastor Mark Downey

Part 1: "Christian Identity Imprecation Against Fake News":  A call to prayer and fasting from March 23 to May 1, 2017 for the Court of Divine Justice dealing with the Mainstream Media covering up the greatest pedophile ring in history.

Part 2: "Imprecating the Media":  Radio Talk Show:  William Finck joins Pastor Mark Downey on March 11, 2017 in his call for a 40-day period of imprecatory prayer  against the Mainstream Media.

Part 3:  "Report on the Imprecatory Campaign":  A week by week analysis of our 40 days of prayer and fasting.  A briefing of our guests from the Saturday Christogenea podcast of April 29, 2017