A Christian Inaugural Address


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: "Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18

When was the last time you heard another Christian share a vision with you, that wasn’t floating in the ether of raptured prose or pious platitudes, but rather something of a vision that was down to earth, unpretentious, understandable and provides the kind of hope that foments victory?  Well, this is a sequel to my sermon ‘Jesus Christ for President,’ because I realized what good is that premise without a follow-up as to how things would be should people rally together in their desire for the government of Christ Himself.  Unfortunately, our people have been more conditioned and programmed to an apocalyptic end of the world, than an end of the Mystery religions and prophetic Babylon.  I think the point of Christ’s return is that the bride is finally made herself ready; and if we could envision an inaugural address, fictional as it may be, where God’s people Israel are on the verge of renewing her vows of marriage, we may not perish after all.  I have only given this sermon once before at the time of George W. Bush being crowned for a second term and I give it now during the deification of Obama’s second term (2013).   

You will have to use your imagination to appreciate this vision.  It is not Mark Downey giving the speech, but someone else much more qualified to represent the office.  I would envision a composite of Patrick Henry, Charles Lindbergh and perhaps George Lincoln Rockwell; an archetype man of God with a racial consciousness being fully equipped with the Christian Identity message; having been duly elected as the presiding officer of the united States, in subservience to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, and His eternal jurisdiction; giving this potent historic speech to “We, the people” of God.

Burying the Bad Figs in the Sand


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 24:3-10

Sand castles will eventually wash back to the sea. The jewish reign of terror will eventually fall of its own weight like a house of cards. And when it comes tumbling down it will fall quickly: “For in one hour is thy judgment come” Rev. 18:10. Those people, who have their heads buried in the sand, think that if they can’t see you, you can’t see them; but their rear end is sticking up in the air for an enemy to stick a sign on it saying “kick me.” In their minds they cannot hear or see what’s happening and therefore it really isn’t happening at all. Oblivion can happen to victims and victimizers. Romans 13 is perverted when government becomes a terror to good people. Crime does not pay. Oh, it may pay handsomely for a season, but nothing escapes the attention of God and certainly not the justice due the bad guys or as the Bible puts it, the bad figs. Our society is an emerging police state in which public servants think of themselves as the masters of the universe. If your life is dependent on the bureaucracy, you need to be in the upper echelons of the food chain in order to survive the alleged coming depopulation of 5 billion to a reduced 500 million people on the earth. Or you can bank on God’s plan for the ages where He likewise has a depopulation program, but it’s eliminating the eliminators, those who think they’ve gotten away with murder. I much more prefer to anticipate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and what that entails rather than the predictions of false prophets, which we have no shortage of.

Pray For Naphtali


by Pastor Mark Downey

December 16, 2012

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 33:23

Today, 12-16-12, in Israelite history we observe a covenant made in 1838 with the tribe of what many in Christian Identity consider to be Naphtali, known as South Africa.  There is very little to find or to ascertain from what we know about this tribe of Israel.  There is a great deal of disinformation attributing Naphtali to just about every ethnicity other than the White race, so we can dismiss these canards as simply more feeble attempts by jewish scribes to deceive the true Israel people in the world today.  And for good reason if one’s spirit is evil, because South Africa has one of the richest deposits of precious metals and minerals in the world.  Therefore, the interactions between geo-political factions and theological realities have significant ramifications.  Naphtali might not be important to most Christians, however once that old city of Jerusalem is totally destroyed forever and the Edomite imposters with it, the New Jerusalem will appear, having the glory of God, that have twelve gates, which are the twelve names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel (Rev. 21:11-12).  The twelve tribes of Israel have to exist in the world today in order for prophecy to be fulfilled.

You Eat What You Are

by Pastor Mark Downey

The vital aspects of consumption for both spiritual and physical will determine whether you are clean or unclean.

Part 1: A look into the dietary laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus and how the clean and unclean leads to an understanding of how to discern righteous and unrighteous beliefs.

Part 2: The story of Peter and Cornelius; how Ezekiel explains idols of the heart; the occult presumption of authority

The Pumpkin Party: Unmasking Halloween


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 5:23-31

From Jer. 5:23 to the end of the chapter we read, "This people has a stubborn and rebellious heart. They do not say in their heart, 'let us now fear the Lord'. For wicked men are found among My people . They spread nets, they lay traps, they catch men… their houses are full of deceit… they have become great and rich. They are fat, they deal in false evidence… Shall I not punish these people? Declares the Lord… there is a shameful and horrible thing in the country! The preachers preach falsehood, and the priests trick with their hands, and My people love to have it so, what can be done viler than that?"

What can be viler than ministers who call themselves Christian, but whom God calls wicked men that spread nets and lay traps to catch men?  It sounds like Jeremiah is describing predators for profit.  It sounds like a church-sponsored Halloween with spider webs and bats.  Or maybe you’ve seen the banner in front of some banks that say ‘Hallo-wee-ones’; wee ones suggesting little children.  Aren’t these preachers and bankers thoughtful?  We’ll see just what they are thinking.

That Still Small Voice


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: I Kings 19:9-12

What gets your attention?  A tornado twisting through your immediate neighborhood?  An earthquake that shakes you out of your bed?  Or perhaps a smoke alarm that indicates your home is on fire?  People often refer jokingly to a bolt of lightning or a burning bush before they are motivated to take notice of something, even though these two supernatural elements are mentioned in the Bible and got people’s attention.  There are times when spectacular events ordained by the divine hand of God do not register in the minds of man.  It’s just “mother nature” or the inane mindset that ‘it is what it is.’  However, God is not without other means by which He gets your attention. 

We are living in a day and age where Madison Avenue is trying to sell you something, either by hook or crook, meaning unethical mind-control techniques.  And thus, we are bombarded every day with an assault of visual and audio advertising, unless you live in a cave like Elijah.  Even churchianity has jumped onto the illicit bandwagon of smoke and mirrors, gimmicks and trickery.  There’s even an occult technology of power to reach you on a subconscious level to make you hear voices in your head.   But, today’s message is to help you overcome all of that ungodly influence.  Do you know how to focus on Christ?

Non Consent of the Misgoverned


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Micah 4:4-7

I’ve been using the phrase “consent of the governed” quite a bit this year, because 2012 is an election year and the arbitrary two-party system offers the Christian believer nothing in which to consent our lives and property over to a dictatorship of antichrists.  We should have objected around the turn of the 20th century when the acceleration of racial aliens changed the complexion of American culture.  Or perhaps even before that, preempting the American Civil War and the suspension of White Christian law based on the Bible, being substituted with Martial Law Rule.  We, the true Israelite people of Scripture, should always remember and demand the biblical basis for government and always refuse our consent to illegitimate secular government (such as we’ve become accustomed to).  Those who are opposed to our God and our race, support and promulgate the myth of ‘the separation of church and state,’ which in practice is the separation of God from government, by appealing to the idea of ‘consent of the governed,’ or the line in the Preamble of the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The Shining Light of Glory

by Pastor Mark Downey

Light is God and His word dispels the darkness.  Darkness is ignorance of His word.

Part 1:  Definitions of light and examples of Old Testament light as metaphor and literal.  Different kinds of light explored in the book of Job.

Part 2: Where there's smoke, there's fire and where there's fire, there's light. But some people want to throw water on the shining of God's glory, as we learn more lessons from the Old Testament prophets. We examine the poetic books of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and discuss how we live each day to the glory of God as a manifestation of the shining light of glory.

Part 3: Summing up the proposition that light, water, radiance, cleansing, repentance, baptism, purification, separation, glory and other revelations of biblical awareness all have a common denominator giving the Christian a direction towards finding the truth.

Criticism of Roman Catholicism



Interview with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

"Christogenea Saturdays" Internet Radio Show  June 2, 2012

William Finck and Pastor Downey have a general discussion critically analyzing the Roman Catholic Church from a Christian Identity perspective; debunking the two pillars of what Catholics claim to be their foundation:  that they were the first church and that Peter was the first pope.

The Catholic Menace

by Pastor Mark Downey

A treatise on why the Roman Catholic church can never be considered Christian; its sordid history qualifies as "the great whore" of prophecy.

Part 1:  Finding the secret origins of the Catholic church, which proves that it was never Christian.

Part 2: Looking at the sadistic nature of the Roman Catholic Church and its unbiblical doctrines that contradict the Word of God.

Part 3:  An examination of Catholicism's false doctrines.

Part 4:  An uncanny parallel between Judaism and Catholicism that brings us to an understanding of Mystery Babylon.
