Who Am I?


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:13-17

A patient is in a hospital bed coming out of a coma from a head injury; as his vision begins to focus, seeing doctors and nurses he says, “Who am I?”  As soon as I decided on this sermon title, I read a description of a movie in the TV guide that said, “An amnesiac struggles to remember who he is while getting experimental therapy at a facility for the terminally ill.”  This is a fascinating question, because there are so many answers.  One could say their name, their religious affiliation, their nation of birth etc.  We very rarely bump into other Identity Christians, but it happened to me once when I walked into a little T-shirt shop and the proprietor asked me, “Do you know who you are?”  And I said without hesitation, “I’m an Israelite” and he just about fell off his chair.  Nobody identifies themselves racially these days, because it’s not politically correct.  In fact, to announce yourself as a Christian Israelite, hardly anybody would know what you’re talking about.  And if you don’t eat pork, surely you’re some sort of converted jew.  Oh, if our people only knew who we really are.  Our race has sustained a traumatic head injury and collectively we suffer from spiritual amnesia.  Thousands of denominations experiment on your mortal soul; their dead churches even plaster the words ‘life’ and ‘living’ on the front edifice.  But, it is our faith that restores the focus to clearly remember who we are while we’re alive.  We are “the children of God” who hath been quickened, becoming the mature “sons of God” and “heirs of the promise

Are White Christians Blessed or Cursed By the Jews?

by Pastor Mark Downey

Are we, White Christians, Blessed or Cursed By the Jews, according to Genesis 12:3?

"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee."

There is a multitude of wolves in sheep’s clothing who have played the part of Judas Iscariot (for 30 pieces of silver) that promulgate the Big Lie that Jews are God’s chosen people. They go under the auspices of Judeo-Christian or Christian Zionist as if true Christianity needs to be hyphenated or affixed to another religion; one that is especially hostile to Jesus Christ. In fact, the modern Jews are descendants of the Pharisees, the evil figs of Judah who should never be confused with the good figs, and were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, admitting that, “His blood be on us, and on our children” Mt. 27:25. And indeed the Jewish mindset is anathema towards Christ to the present day. 2000 years of antichrist perfidy has followed the Jews wherever they go.

It might come as a shock to some mainstream church-goers that there were no people at Mt. Sinai who called themselves “Jews” or the Bible ever calling Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a “Jew.” One of the 12 sons of Jacob became the tribe of Judah and all 12 tribes collectively became known as Israel. They were known as Hebrews, not Jews.

Who Hates Christian Identity and Why



William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 2-8-2014, Saturday 8:00pm

with Bill Finck and Mark Downey

Subject:  Who Hates Christian Identity and Why

Pastor Mark Downey joins William Finck in a much needed discussion, in the capacity of watchmen on the wall and vigilant towards the adversaries of our faith, identifying ‘Who Hates Christian Identity and Why.’ 

The Inspired Word

by Pastor Mark Downey

A general review of what makes the Bible inspired.

Part 1: A look at the mystery and miracle of God processing His thoughts and ways through the Holy Spirit to 40 chosen White men; granting them the unique insight to convey the Lord's revelation to the rest of our race

Part 2: Going further into the racial aspects of canonical Scriptures, which has been historically interrupted by the apocryphal writings, the Gnostic gospels and secular science.

Part 3: In this presentation, the Word of God is proven to be amazingly accurate through prophecy and validating factual persons, places and things through archaeology.

Part 4: Concludes with an important history of the Septuagint and the Masoretic text; helpful recommendations for biblical interpretation.

The Reason for Miracles


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Luke 4:14-24

When Jesus began His ministry, at the age of 30, after 40 days of fasting, He returned “to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread throughout the whole surrounding region.  And He began teaching in their assembly halls and was praised by all” Luke 4:14-16.  His popularity was spreading like wildfire, because they were excited about somebody fasting that long; surely there would be a significant revelation.  He went to His home town of Nazareth, which was similar to today’s White Nationalists (who give lip service to the Creator of our race, but do not serve Him), and had the expectation of a warlike Messiah delivering them from Rome.  Some of the locals remembered the birth of Christ as something scandalous; as Mary claimed to have been miraculously impregnated by the Holy Spirit. 

On one of these occasions where Jesus spoke to the assembled, we read the account in Luke 4 where He stood up to read from Isaiah 61:1-2, “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.  He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of everyone in the assembly were fixed on Him” Luke 4:16-20.  A miracle, to give sight to the blind, is it not?  Or hearing to the deaf?  But that’s not what they wanted to hear.  Although the clause “He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” in Isaiah 61:1 is inspired, all of the Greek texts omit this passage in Luke (even though the KJV has added it).   

Christ was reading about Himself; He not only came to heal the blind, but to open the eyes of those who were spiritually blind as well.  God told Moses, Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord” Ex. 4:11.  Israel has always had this blind side.

The Energy of Error


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: II Thes. 2:10-12

From the KJV we read about “strong delusion” and that was my original title for this message.  However, upon reviewing other translations, instead of the word ‘delusion’ was the word ‘error.’  The Ferrar Fenton read “the energy of error”; the Christogenea NT read, “an operation of error” and still others said, “a working of error,” “a deluding influence,” and “a misleading influence.”  I wondered how could there be such a disparity of terms and what are these verses really talking about.  It obviously has something to do with the contest between truth and lies.  Common sense here tells us that the best safeguard against error or more poignantly the delusion (the mental condition in which you believe something that is not true) is “the love of the truth.”

The Prince of This World

By Pastor Ken Lent

There is nothing like time consuming distractions to prevent God's people from properly learning and teaching God's Laws for the family and nation.  God's grace and laws are the backbone of His Kingdom.  If we are not focused on and dedicated to this Scriptural principle we lose most if not all of our calling to be stewards for righteousness in the Earth.  Trying to repel supposed invisible devils, haunting ghosts, so called psychic fields or sci-fi lizard people is worse than a distraction. It is embracing false doctrine of which the Scriptures have much to warn against.

God's written Word tells us that there is no Big Devil Demon, Satanic Cosmic Mind, or King Serpent Lizard Man who is The Prince of This World.  These ever popular but imaginary "trouble makers" are not taught anywhere in God's Word.  Even when the Scriptures do mention ‘satan’ that word has to be correctly defined.  This is the Hebrew word saw-tawn, which means adversary and it is used in many different Scripture applications and verses.  It is merely a regular normal noun.  However, when the translators of our English Bible capitalized this word from ‘satan’ (adversary) to “Satan” then a personal identity was thrust into the dictionary definition of that word.  But nonetheless, there surely is an evil presence that has been an adverse force against Godly righteousness since recorded time.

The "Red Dragon Satan" of Revelation 12

by Pastor Ken Lent

If any book of the Scriptures is riddled and loaded with allegories, it's the book of Revelation. God Almighty never intended us to apply literal meanings to something that is figurative in its context.

People use all manner of metaphors in their daily walk, (paint the town red, cat got your tongue, I’m just dying to do that, etc) and realize those terms for what they are. But when they read from the Book of Revelation about "Satan", for some reason they have a difficult time realizing the obvious truth that this is symbolism in a poetic license of expression. But why should there be such an almost universal mystic esoteric perception concerning the word "satan" in the Scriptures? Surely this has taken place because of the constant bombardment, generation after generation, on the part of denominational theology's relentless insistence that "the Devil is going to get them". People want a "Devil", and, by God, they will have him because in Revelation 12:9 we know that the "Fallen Angel" was cast out of heaven. This may be the most often misquoted verse in the Scriptures used by "Devil/demon" believers to support their position that a literal Devil named Satan is a "second-in-command spirit being", the arch angel in heaven, who rebelled against God Almighty.

The Adoption of Adaption


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Romans 9:3-5

Christianity today is plagued with tens of thousands of denominations, because Christians have lost the meaning of biblical adoption and have adapted to other religions of the world.  Apostasy means a ‘falling away’ and abandoning previously held beliefs.  Nothing could be more reinventing than the hyphenated “judeo-Christianity” and cause for another writ of divorcement from God.  At one time, blacks and other dark people knew their place in White society; and White Christian Americans understood their place in God’s scheme of things; His law and order for a civilized society.  They were the ‘heirs of the promise’ with a divine destiny.  Here’s the overt racism of God expressing His love for our people, “The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the Lord loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your ancestors, the Lord brought you out by a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt” Deut. 7:7-8. 

This love story developed with Abraham and extended to the nation that came from him.  When God redeemed Israel from Egypt, He purchased a nation in bondage.  When God redeemed White Christians from European tyrants, He purchased a race of people under religious persecution.  They came to America with the idea of fulfilling God’s plan for the ages.  Some called it Manifest Destiny.  But, it was the hope and aspiration of our ancestors to establish a literal Beulah Land married to the God of Israel.  “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, Who keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations” Deut. 7:9.  It can be argued that a generation is anywhere between 40 and 100 years, but regardless of the calculations, we’re talking about a long, long time for a particular race of people to do what they were created for.  Praise the Lord.

State of the Church in Christian Identity



William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 8-17-13, Saturday 8:00pm

with Pastors Don Elmore and Mark Downey
of the
Fellowship of God’s Covenant People in northern Kentucky

Subject:  State of the Church in Christian Identity

A general discussion about church life in our movement and the importance of worship and fellowshipping together
