Reflections on the Whorlando Homocaust


William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  Reflections on the Whorlando Homocaust

Reflections on the alleged Whorlando Homocaust [the supposed recent mass shooting of sodomites in Orlando] and the state of Christendom today, with Pastor Mark Downey. William Finck's notes and related program resources and references will be posted mid-week.  Full text of Pastor Downey's message:  "Whorlando Changes Nothing""

Whorlando Changes Nothing


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: John 3:19-21 “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.  But he doing the truth comes to the light, in order that his deeds would be made manifest because it is with God that they have been accomplished.

A mongrel pervert and winner of this year's highest body count at a “gay” bar with an AR-15 has popped the bubble in a venue that has touted itself as “the happiest place on earth,” Orlando, Florida, home of Disney World, that has hosted a “gay” pride day for many years.  The word gay used to mean happy, but cultural Marxism has made sure to call good evil and evil good in this day and age of political correctness.  An unprecedented spotlight is now shining on what may be considered “the gayest place on earth” at least as far as political expediency and intrigue of the establishment oligarchy.  One could just as easily change the name of the entertainment complex on steroids to Dismal World as a 2 year old toddler was snatched and killed by an alligator during the same week as “the Pulse” nightclub for perverts and mongrels, who staged a false flag operation, following the pattern of other sloppy crisis actors pretending to shock the public with gratuitous and preposterous violence better left to Hollywood and Disney films.  But, a film of glazed vision blurs the sight of those who worship television and movies, the exclusive domain of antichrist jewry and the god Miramax.  And God is not happy with communities that are trying their damnedest to outdo Sodom and Gomorrah.  Through all of this, rest assured, God is not mocked.  

Positive Christianity

by Pastor Mark Downey

This was a term used by Germans during the Third Reich, which was synonymous with National Socialism. Much disinformation has caused wholesale slander against Germany during this era, which is corrected in this article.

Part 1: The real story behind the relationship between National Socialist Germany and Christianity.

Part 2: A closer examination of bringing church and state, government and God together through righteous leadership and a nation turning to the Word of God.

Part 3: How God empowered Positive Christianity to rout the jew from the body of Christ and how this might be a precursor to the daughter of Zion.

Part 4: An explanation of the Swastika; Hans Schmidt recounts living in Hitler's Germany; the Pax Judaica coming to an end.

The Establishment


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: II Thessalonians 2:1-4

I've been writing about “The Establishment” for decades and decided to dedicate a sermon, not to the Establishment, but to the establishment of the Truth.  There is a lot of fanfare and talk of the Establishment in this election year, 2016.  Ever wonder why they call it the Establishment?  Do Christians really yearn for the establishment of the Kingdom of God?  Who or what is the Establishment in the United States?  Well, if we were to synthesize the divine dialectic, the Establishment is not the Kingdom or vice versa.  The antithesis of God's Kingdom is often cited as Babylon.  The Establishment is a hive of secret societies that have connections to the mystery religions and they want the world.  Any Christian worth their salt should know that in prophecy, the Establishment is known as Mystery Babylon.  Well, that was pretty easy to connect those two dots, but what and why is the Establishment doing what they do?  Where and when did this Establishment rear its ugly head in America?  How did they establish themselves as the Establishment?  I'll tell you something: nothing can succeed politically without a spiritual resolve, and by that I don't necessarily mean something good. It can be an evil spirit, a corruption of the soul that becomes the Establishment.  The soul of our nation has become corrupt, because of the Establishment.

A Judicial Conundrum


Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 8:4-6

I mentioned recently, as well as being a common retort, that we live in exciting times (for both fearful and joyful people), but the pendulum also swings, for the rest of humanity, as a time of mediocrity and boredom.  What's the difference between excitement and boredom?  I think it's whether or not people judge things.  In other words, making a decision as to whether something is right or wrong.  Sometimes being a Christian can be extremely difficult.  Being a watchman on the wall can be like bamboo shoots growing through your fingernails.  It is painfully excruciating to watch what is happening to America; a generation without a moral compass.  Ancient Israel had guards who would stand upon the walls of Jerusalem and in the towers and look out upon the land.  What were they looking for?  Enemies!  They were guarding their city against opposing forces, invading aliens.  I've yet to see in the classifieds an ad in the 'employment opportunities' section that said: Need a blind, deaf and mute security guard i.e. sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil.  To hire such people would be counter-productive to say the least.  This is how God evaluated Israel's watchmen in the days of Isaiah the prophet, “Israel's watchmen are blind, all of them, they know nothing; all of them are mute dogs, they cannot bark; they dream, lie down, and love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain. Come, let me get some wine, let's guzzle some beer; and tomorrow will be like today, only far better!" Isaiah 56:10-12.  Do the presumptuous defenders of our faith and people understand what's happening today?  Unfortunately, they do not and we have reached a judicial conundrum. 

The Christian Identity Vision


William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 2-6-2016 and 2-20-2016

with Bill Finck and Mark Downey

Subject:  The Christian Identity Vision

Pastor Downey joined William Finck for 2 Internet radio programs discussing an important imperative for Christian Identity: which is to maintain the integrity of our primary mission.

We are missionaries to the White race and none other to provide the racial message of the Bible and dispelling the frequently asked question “Can the other races be saved” and “what is their destiny.” Without the vision that God gives our race, we will perish in these last days, if we don't understand that biblical salvation that pertains only to whom Christ came for i.e. the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

These programs will equip the White Christian student of the Word with the proof of who and what will be destroyed. We identify the recipients of Salvation and destruction with a plethora of Scriptures. After listening to these programs, there will be no doubt that we must overcome every aspect of universalism and develop a mature racial consciousness in Christ; lest God, as the last sentence of the Old Testament warns, “come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). Christian Identity is the preservation of the White race through Christ, proclaiming the Good News that the destroyers will be destroyed. But without righteous theological objectives, the status quo will worsen. We present God's plan for His people and victory.

The Future of Prophecy

by Pastor Mark Downey

Prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments, fulfilled and unfulfilled, have been revealed in the word of God, and subsequent prophecies are false and shall fail according to God's purposes.

Part 1:  There is only one key that unlocks the enigma of Bible prophecy and that is the exegesis of Christian Identity scholarship.  Prophecy is the exclusive relationship between God and the White race.

Part 2: An exclusive look at what Christ meant by "harvest" in Luke 10:2 as it relates to agricultural analogies, parables and prophecies against Edom from a Christian Identity perspective.  The "Day of the Lord" is a terrible day.

Part 3:  The predominant theme of prophecy is the Kingdom of God; what it is and is not; who will see and enter the Kingdom.

Part 4:  The rise of Islam pits the three major religions of the world against each other as an ultimate dialectic of God.

Part 5:  Covering the deception of our enemies and the urgency of racism in prophecy coincides with recent events in San Bernardino and Donald Trumps call for a Muslim ban.

Part 6:  The singular integrity of the one true God of Israel is opposed by the plurality of idols, i.e. 'ancient astronauts', subverting Ezekiel 1:16; the mysticism of CERN; finding the tree of life by following the signs.

Part 7:  The winds of spiritual warfare for 2016 point to the self fulfilling prophecy of what we do with our lives and the day we stand before the judgement seat of Christ.

Part 8: The imperative nature of being awake and not asleep to be an over comer and what constitutes your name being written in the book of life.

Part 9: A debunking of the two false schools of eschatology, i.e. futurism and especially the encroaching misinterpretations of preterism. We examine the historical antichrists of whom there are many.

Part 10:  As we conclude this series we take a special look at 2016 and focus on the 'two witnesses' of Revelation 11, which can only be understood from a Christian Identity perspective amongst a myriad of false interpretations.

The Kim Davis Rally


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Romans 1:26-32

The scene as Kim Davis was released from jail.One of the headlines in a Kentucky related news story last week was “'Black Lives Matter' thug murdered KY state trooper who was trying to help him.”  The Obama regime is intentionally driving a wedge between law enforcement and minority groups to incite civil unrest; and even has the gall to send administration officials to the funerals of black thugs, while avoiding the funerals of dead cops trying to do their job of keeping law and order.  But, another Kentucky news story has similar overtones that are hitting a sensitive nerve with White Christian Americans throughout the nation.  Since the 'not so Supreme' Court took upon itself to redefine a millennium of what is traditionally considered marriage, and rendered an “opinion” by only 5 black robed devils, that same-sex marriage is now legal, one County Clerk, Kim Davis, just said “No.”  For her defiance, a US District Judge threw her in jail for contempt.  No trial, no due process, no bail and no recognition of state and federal laws, which she was obligated to follow from her oath of office.  Because of this outrageous travesty of justice and an overt declaration of war on Christianity, a rally was organized in support of her stand and I decided to go to Grayson, KY, on Sept 8, 2015, protesting her incarceration; and as one banner proclaimed “first the baker, then the clerk, next the pastors.”  This should be a wake-up call of monumental proportions, that the Obama government, the republicrat oligarchy and the Babylonian corporations that own them, have launched a blatant attack against Jesus Christ and His followers.  The attack is clearly one of intimidation to bow down before another god, the god and goddesses of homosexuality.  Christ has zero tolerance for such perversions.  First the Baker, then the Clerk, next the Pastors


by Pastor Mark Downey

The many manifestations of wind as found in the Living Word and the life of mankind.

Part 1:  The literal and metaphorical ramifications of what is synonymous with spirit, i.e the wind, which must be weighed in conjunction with the flesh.

Part 2:  The consequences of going against the divine current for the hot air of the world is studied; current events pose a challenge to the Christian.

Wind Part 1


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:12-14

Dutch Ships in a Gale by Jan PorcellisFrom time to time artists have what they call burn out, authors get writer's block and preachers suddenly become uninspired.  Hopefully, one aspiring for the epiphanies of life will get their second wind during momentary lulls.  It hasn't happened to me, but I sometimes wonder what's next; how do I maintain the momentum. Sometimes, after I do a series like 'Dissident Racism' I feel sapped of energy, because it's so time consuming and intensely focused and I want to serve the brethren as best I can; I try not to make too many mistakes.  After the last series of messages, as usual, I waited for a new subject to pop in my head and is most often in the form of a title.    In the church world, you hear a judeo say “the Lord gave me a word” and it's usually a long-winded, self serving dialogue that is better said in the Word itself.  It makes me wonder why are people reinventing the Gospels.  Well, I can honestly say the Lord gave me a word last week, but it wasn't a rambling of religious prose, but was literally just one word and that word was “wind.”  For several days I ruminated what to do with this word.  What does wind have to do with anything?  And then I got to thinking what is the cause of wind in the first place?  Did you know there wouldn't be any life on earth without wind, and conversely can also bring death?  Ironically, the previous week, I was engaged in a project to build a wood shed, because every year I just cover my firewood with tarps and it's always a hassle, especially when it snows.  The recurring theme in my thoughts was that I need to built it so the wind doesn't blow it over and I figured the best way to do that is to have it well anchored.  Now I am not a carpenter, but I got the job done, Lord willing the creek don't rise or a gust of wind thinks it's a sailboat.   

No wind, no waves... a big bummer for surfers.  What most people don't think of is that an ocean wave cannot begin without an action.  Same with a glass of water on a table; it is still until you blow on it to create a ripple.  Wind on water causes movement, creating energy that otherwise was not there before.  In life, most people have ambition, purpose driven goals symbolized by a body of water.  In fact, many worldly religions have a set of classical elements found in earth, water, wind and fire with their respective deities.  These ancient concepts were believed to be the most essential principles upon which anything can exist, which science would later compare to solids, liquids, gases and plasma.  In the first couple of verses in Genesis, these four elements were created by God; no need for lesser gods symbolizing each element.  As we shall see later on, verse 2 most closely resembles wind i.e. “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
